
Date Pubblicazioni Cliente Link Area di attività Tags File
27/06/2017 Differentiated port infrastructure charges to promote environmentally friendly maritime transport activities and sustainable transportation Commissione Europea - DG MOVE Blue economy
01/12/2014 Study on the competitiveness of European wines Commissione Europea - DG AGRI Studi e ricerche
01/12/2014 Study on the competitiveness of European wines European Commission - DG AGRI Studies and research
27/06/2014 Study on Arctic Lay and Traditional Knowledge European Commission - DG MARE Studies and research
27/06/2014 Study on Arctic Lay and Traditional Knowledge Commissione Europea - DG MARE Studi e ricerche
01/07/2013 Evaluation of the structural effects of direct support Commissione Europea - DG AGRI Valutazione
01/07/2013 Evaluation of the structural effects of direct support European Commission - DG AGRI Evaluation
01/12/2011 Evaluation of CAP measures applied to the sugar sector European Commission - DG AGRI Evaluation
01/12/2011 Evaluation of CAP measures applied to the sugar sector Commissione Europea - DG AGRI Valutazione
01/05/2011 Evaluation of income effects of direct support European Commission - DG AGRI Evaluation